Shuo High School is a prestigious private high school in Tokyo Metropolitan Area where two story arcs takes place: The First Case of Young Akechi and Young Takato Case File.
Shuo High School is more modern compared with other high school even for it's time. In fact, the PC room and air conditioning are quite good facilities, the ID card type electronic lock is used for commuting to and from school, and French and Italian cuisine is served in the cafeteria. After 7:00 p.m., the entrance and exit of the school is electronically locked, making it impossible to move around. Even entering a school or going to pick up a key takes the form of ID authentication instead of writing a name on a list.)
All classes are divided according to the results of the promotion test (probably the entrance exam for the first year students), and are classified into Special A, A, B, C, D, and E in order of the best results.
Teachers and Staffs[]
Young Takato Case File[]
First Year[]
Second Year[]
Third Year[]
The First Case of Young Akechi[]
Second Year[]
Third Year[]
- In The First Case of Young Akechi, Shuo students wear emerald green uniform, but it changes to black in Young Takato Case File for unknown reason.