The Files of Young Kindaichi: First Generation is a group of 3 movies and 2 TV-Serie based on the manga series of the same name by Seimaru Amagi, Yozaburo Kanari, and Fumiya Sato, staring Tsuyoshi Domoto as the first generation of Hajime Kindaichi. They were produced and aired on Japan's national broadcast NTV. It is so far the most extensive generation covering the most cases and having the longest total duration.
The Files of Young Kindaichi - Academy's Seven Mysteries Murder Case[]
Academy's Seven Mysteries Murder Case is a movie based on the School's Seven Mysteries Murder Case. It aired on NTV the 8 April 1995. It is the first live adaptation of the manga.
The Files of Young Kindaichi[]
The Files of Young Kindaichi (金田一少年の事件簿(第1期)) is a live-action series. It aired from July 15, 1995.
# | Episode Title | Airdate | Rating |
1 | Western-style Village Murder Case | Jul 15, 1995 | |
2 | Broken Heart Lake Legend Murder Case | Jul 22, 1995 | |
3 | Opera House Murder Case | Jul 29, 1995 | |
4 | Treasure Island Murder Case | Aug 5, 1995 | |
5 | Head Hanging School Murder Case | Aug 19, 1995 | |
6 | Hida's Trick of House Murder Case | Sep 2, 1995 | |
7 | Wax Doll Castle Murder Case | Sep 9, 1995 | |
8 | Wax Doll Castle Murder Case | Sep 16, 1995 |
The Files of Young Kindaichi - Snow Demon Legend Murder Case[]
Snow Demon Legend Murder Case is a movie based on the Snow Yaksha Legend Murder Case. It aired on NTV the 30 December 1995.
The Files of Young Kindaichi 2[]
The Files of Young Kindaichi 2 (金田一少年の事件簿(第2期)) is a live-action series. It aired from July 13, 1996.
# | Episode Title | Airdate | Rating |
1 | Devil Suite Murder Case | Jul 13, 1996 | |
2 | Tarot Mountain Hut Murder Case | Jul 20, 1996 | |
3 | Tarot Mountain Hut Murder Case | Jul 27, 1996 | |
4 | Murder Committed by Young Kindaichi | Aug 3, 1996 | |
5 | Murder by Gentleman Thief | Aug 10, 1996 | |
6 | Murder by Gentleman Thief | Aug 17, 1996 | |
7 | Western-style Hotel Murder Case | Aug 31, 1996 | |
8 | Graveyard Island Murder Case | Sep 7, 1996 | |
9 | Graveyard Island Murder Case | Sep 14, 1996 |
The Files of Young Kindaichi - Legend of the Shanghai Mermaid[]
Legend of the Shanghai Mermaid is a movie based on the Shanghai Mermaid Legend Murder Case. It aired on NTV the 13 December 1997.