The Files of Young Kindaichi: Second Generation is a group of a Movie and a TV-Serie based on the manga series of the same name by Seimaru Amagi, Yozaburo Kanari, and Fumiya Sato, staring Jun Matsumoto as the second generation of Hajime Kindaichi. They were produced and aired on Japan's national broadcast NTV.
The Files of Young Kindaichi: Murder on the Magic Express[]
Murder on the Magic Express is a movie based on the Magical Express Murder Case. It aired on NTV the 25 March 2001.
The Files of Young Kindaichi 3[]
The Files of Young Kindaichi 3 (金田一少年の事件簿) is a live-action series. It aired from July 14 2001.
# | Episode Title | Airdate | Rating |
1 | Ghost Passenger Ship Murder Case | Jul 14, 2001 | |
2 | Ghost Passenger Ship Murder Case | Jul 21, 2001 | |
3 | French Silver Coin Murder Case | July 28, 2001 | |
4 | Black Butterfly of Death Murder Case | Aug 4, 2001 | |
5 | Black Butterfly of Death Murder Case | Aug 11, 2001 | |
6 | Reika Hayami Kidnapping Murder Case | Aug 25, 2001 | |
7 | Murder in the Forest of the Demon Dog | Sep 1, 2001 | |
8 | Russian Dolls Murder Case | Sep 8, 2001 | |
9 | Russian Dolls Murder Case | Sep 15, 2001 |